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Who Will Cry Now Available

April 7th, 2015

Our debut album, Who Will Cry, is available now on iTunes, Spotify, and of course, in person at our shows! You can listen to the lead track, “Easy Way Out”, on Bandcamp as well! We poured a lot of love into this one, so we’d really appreciate if you’d give it a listen!

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Releasing Who Will Cry March 20th at Whammy Bar

March 1st, 2015

Who-Will-CryWe’re finally done! 8 songs, 41ish minutes, and a lot of late nights of mixing. We’re listening to the masters and getting them ready to send out for duplication at the moment, and on March 20th, we will have 100 copies of the CD to sell. “Who Will Cry” will sell for $5, but if you come to one of our other shows and grab a special business card, you can get a free copy of the CD at the release party!

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Almost Wrapped up with Recording!

November 20th, 2014

8 songs. 40 minutes. Almost done. Guitars, bass, FX, vocals are all done and mixed, and temp drum-track drums are currently being replaced by the real thing. In the meantime, you can go ahead and take a listen to a few fragments!

[bandcamp album=2520761831  linkcol=ffffff size=grande2 transparent=true]


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Recording, Shows, Oh My!

September 11th, 2014

Now that we’ve got Shane trained in, backup vocals added, and a few new covers learned, we’re booking shows like crazy. Our September filled up pretty fast and we’re now looking to book through the end of the year. It’s so great to be playing again!

We’re also really hard at work on our album. Vocals. Are. DONE. There are a few very, very minor guitar re-recordings to do, but otherwise guitar, bass, and FX are all done and mixed. All that’s left is the drums!

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Official Photos, New Shows

August 27th, 2014

Check out our Photos page for our very first batch of official photos taken by Ellie Jerow. We finally gathered the crew on a rare day free from practice and toured the industrial areas of Milwaukee for some great shots. We selected 5 of the best group shots, touched them up a bit, and are now going to use those for all official branding!

We’re also starting to book shows left and right. Since our last update we’ve now added a Sept 12th show at Papa’s Social Club with The Mood Manual from Madison, and we are going to open up for a touring act at the Y-Not III on Sept 17th.

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New Show – August 29th at Fixture Brewing Company

August 6th, 2014

Thanks to Shane, the new guy, we finally have a new show booked. At the end of this month we’ll be playing at Fixture Brewing Company out in Waukesha. It looks like we’ll be down one guitarist for the set with Kent covering both parts, but we’ll still play a 45-minute ass-kicking set. It feels great to be back.

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New Singer, New Tunes, New Takes on Old Tunes

August 1st, 2014

Well, we should have officially announced this a while ago, but welcome Shane Mattox to the {else} crew! He responded to our call of auditions, impressed us with some of his original music, though in a very different genre, and did well with auditions. Since finding and integrating him into the band in February, we’ve gone over all of our previous originals and updated most of the vocals, changing many melodies, lyrics, an even adding backups by Jon and Kent. We’ve also learned two new cover tunes, “Chemicals Between Us” by Bush and “Hysteria” by Muse, and learned an utterly epic new song that’s still in need of a title. We’re looking for shows now and will resume recording very, very soon.

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We Bid Juan Farewell

January 21st, 2014

Last weekend we had our last two shows with Juan on vocals. He’s making some career changes which involve full-time work plus school in the evenings, so he gracefully bowed out. The last two shows were great, and we’ll miss him, but we are already auditioning a replacement. Additionally, we’ll keep most of the vocal parts already written and will even squeeze some recordings out of Juan before he fully exits. (more…)

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New (and old) Demos Released

December 7th, 2013

Else just released a ton of new demo material organized into two Bandcamp albums for you all to listen to! The material on the first album, A[], is a bit older, mostly representing things written before the end of 2012. A[] contains a few songs you may have heard us playing at some of our shows.  The second album, B[], contains songs written towards the end of 2012 through 2013. These songs don’t yet have lyrics or full drum parts, and represent the types of material you can expect from the band in the next year or two.

Take a listen at »

There are another 8 songs which are neither on A[] or B[] because they’ll be released with our forthcoming ep.

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